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Full Publications List

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana and Ali Qadir (forthcoming). Symbols and Myth-Making in Modernity: Deep Culture in Art and Action. London: Anthem Press

Qadir, Ali and Pertti Alasuutari. 2021 (forthcoming). “Sosiologinen institutionalismi ja uskonnontutkimus: Diskursiivinen näkökulma” [Sociological institutionalism and religion: A discursive perspective]. In Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta [Religion, Language and Society], edited by Titus Hjlem. Hesinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura [Finnish Literary Society].

Kupari Helena and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir (forthcoming) “Women as Agents of Glocalization: the Case of the Orthodox Church of Finland”. In Women in Eastern Orthodoxy. Edited by Ina Merdjanova. Fordham University Press. 

Qadir, Ali and Jukka Syväterä. 2021. “The moral authority of science: Evidence from parliamentary debates in seven countries”. European Journal of Cultural & Political Sociology (Online first): DOI: 10.1080/23254823.2021.1885461.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana; Qadir, Ali; Vuolanto, Pia; Hansen, Petteri. 2021. "Negotiations of Science and Religion in Nordic Institutions: An Ethnographic Approach" Religions 12(1): 45.

Ahmed, Durre S. “Lost and Found: Gifts, Dreams and Sanity.” In Apffel-Marglin Frederique and Stefano Varese (eds) Contemporary Voices from Anima Mundi: A Reappraisal pp 45-86. New York, Peter Lang. 2020.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2020. “Migrating in later lives: Collective identities of Russian-speaking women in Finland”. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. 35(2), 155-175.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana and Anna Matyska (2020) “A postsocialist legacy in transnational families: Russian and Polish women in Finland”. Global Networks. 20(1), 85-105.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana (2020) “Therapeutic and therapeia within Orthodox Christianity”. In Assembling Therapeutics. Edited by Suvi Salmenniemi, Johanna Nurmi, Inna Perheentupa and Harley Bergroth London: Routledge, 58-73.

Ahmed, Durre S. “Sleeping with the Enemy: Penetrations and Permutations." In Shail Mayaram (Ed.) Modernity, Its Pathologies and Reenchantments. Essays in Honour of Ashis Nandy. pp 43-77. Delhi, Orient BlackSwan. 2020

Vuolanto, Pia, Paula Nissilä and Ali Qadir. 2020. “Social research on science and religion in Nordic countries”. Zygon 55(1): 73-92.

Tiaynen-Qadir, T., Ikonen, E., & Qadir, A. 2019. Bird: Symbols and stories from Europe, Middle East and Ancient Egypt. Agricola -opintokeskuksen julkaisuja. 

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana, Nissilä, Paula and Fernando Oliveira di Prinzio. 2019. “Revisiting the science-religion interface: Glocal, bottom-up, multi-disciplinary”. Alusta! Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere. (6.05.2019) 

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2019. “Book review: Christianity and the Limits of Materiality; Edited by Minna Opas and Anna Haapalainen; 2017; Bloomsbury Academic; London/UK New York/US. ISBN 978-1-4742-9175-0; 275”. In Material Religion 15(2): 260-261, 10.1080/17432200.2018.1535024 

Qadir, Ali; Tiaynen Qadir, Tatiana. 2018. "Deep Culture and the Mystical Agency of Mary in Eastern Christianity" Religions 9(12): 383. 

Qadir, Ali. 2018. “Doors to the imaginal: Sunni Islam’s persecution of the Ahmadi ‘heresy’”. Religions 9(4): 91-107.

Alasuutari, Pertti and Ali Qadir. 2018. Epistemic Governance: Social Change in the Modern World. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Qadir, Ali. 2018. “Facing the veil: An Orientalist reprise”. Alusta! Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere. 

Tiaynen-Qadir, Ali Qadir and Pertti Alasuutari. 2017. “Russia in world society: A comparative perspective on international references in parliamentary debates”. Acta Sociologica 62(2): 228-242.

Qadir, Ali. 2017. “The Stockholm attack: It’s about culture and … well, culture”. Alusta! Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere. 

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana and Suvi Salmenniemi. 2017. “Self-help as a Glocalised Therapeutic Assemblage”. European Journal of Cultural Studies 20 (4): 381-396. 

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2017. “Glocal Religion and Feeling at Home: Ethnography of Artistry in Finnish Orthodox Liturgy”. Religions 8(2):23. 

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2017. “Book review: Daniel Nehring, Emmanuel Alvarado, Eric C Hendriks and Dylan Kerrigan, Transnational Popular Psychology and the Global Self-help Industry: The Politics of Contemporary Social Change, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan,” 2016, In Acta Sociologica, 1-2.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2017. “Kirja-arvostelu: Daniel Nehring, Emmanuel Alvarado, Eric C Hendriks and Dylan Kerrigan, Transnational Popular Psychology and the Global Self-help Industry: The Politics of Contemporary Social Change, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016,” In Kulttuurintutkimus.  

Qadir, Ali and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir. 2016. “Toward imaginal dialogue: Archetypal symbols between Islam and Eastern Orthodox Christianity”. Approaching Religion 6(2): 81-95.

Qadir, Ali and Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir. 2016. “Uncanny images and the literalism of modernity”. Web blog post. 21 September 2016. Material Religions. 

Qadir, Ali. 2016. “Higher education, the global governors, and epistemic governance”. Studia Humanitatis BorealisVol. 2016(1): 28-35.

Qadir, Ali. 2016. “How heresy makes orthodoxy: The sedimentation of Sunnism in the Ahmadi cases in South Africa”. Sociology of Islam 4(4): 345-367.

Qadir, Ali. 2016. “Editorial: Through an iron cage, darkly”. In “Neoinstitutionalism: World Society Theory and global-local entanglements.” Special issue of European Journal of Cultural & Political Sociology 3, guest edited byAli Qadir (2-3): 141-151.

Alasuutari, Pertti and Ali Qadir. 2016. “Imageries of the social world in epistemic governance”. International Sociology 31(6): 633-652.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2016. “Orthodox Icons Generating Transnational Space between Finland and Russia”. Lähde – tieteellinen aikakauskirja, 138-171.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2016. “Transnational Grandmothers Making their Multi-sited Homes between Finland and Russia”. In Re-thinking Home. Transnational Migration and Older Age. Edited by Katie Walsh and Lena Näre, New York: Routledge, 25-37.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2016. “Transnational Babushka: Grandmothers and Family-making between Russian Karelia and Finland”. In Transnational Aging: Current Insights and Future Challenges. Edited by Vincent Horn and Cornelia Schweppe, New York: Routledge, 85-104.

Syväterä, Jukka and Ali Qadir. 2015. “The construction and spread of global models: Worldwide synchronisation and the rise of National Bioethics Committees”. European Journal of Cultural & Political Sociology 2(3–4): 267–290.

Qadir, Ali. 2015. “When heterodoxy becomes heresy: Using Bourdieu’s concept of doxa to understand state-sanctioned exclusion in Pakistan”. Sociology of Religion 76(2): 155–176.

Qadir, Ali. 2015. “Hunting(ton) for cartoons”. Alusta! Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere (16.02.2015)

Qadir, Ali. 2014. “Parliamentary hereticization of the Ahmadiyya in Pakistan: The modern world implicated in Islamic crises.” Pp. 135-152 in Religion in Times of Crisis, edited by G.Ganiel, C.Monnot and H.Winkel. In the ASR Book Series Religion and the Social Order (series editor W.Swatos). Leiden: Brill.

Alasuutari, Pertti and Ali Qadir. 2014. “Epistemic governance: An approach to the politics of policy-making”. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 1(1): 67-84.

Qadir, Ali. 2014. “The ideal of utility in British India policy: Tropes of the colonial chrestomathic university, 1835–1904”. South Asia—Journal of South Asian Studies 37(2): 197-211.

Alasuutari, Pertti and Ali Qadir. 2014. “Introduction”. Pp. 1-22 in Pertti Alasuutari & Ali Qadir (Eds.), National Policy-Making: Domestication of Global Trends. London: Routledge.

Qadir, Ali. 2014. “Culture and history in the domestication of global trends of higher education in Pakistan”. Pp. 147-163 in Pertti Alasuutari & Ali Qadir (Eds.), National Policy-Making: Domestication of Global Trends. London: Routledge.

Alasuutari, Pertti and Ali Qadir (eds.). 2014. National Policy Making: Domestication of Global Trends. London: Routledge.

Qadir, Ali. 2014. “Innovation is dead … Nietzsche and Nancy on non-sense”. Alusta! School of Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Tampere. 

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana (2014) Shvedskii feminism: istoriia i sovremennost’ (Swedish Feminism: History and Present). Nauchnoe elektronnoe izdanie. Petrozavodsk: Izd-vo PetrGU (based on the dissertation defended in 2006)

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2014. ”Maaseudun babuškat (Rural babushkas)”. In Naisia Venäjän Kulttuurihistoriassa. Edited by Arja Rosenholm, Suvi Salmenniemi & Marja Sorvari, Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 256-269.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2014. ”Transnatsional’naya babushka: rol’ babushek v ustanovlenii i ukreplenii semeinykh otnosheniy mezhdu respublikoi Karelia i Finlyandiei”. In Families and Family Work in Finland and the Republic of Karelia. Ed. by Simo Mannila and Dmitry Titkov. Petrozavodsk: Verso (open access, in cooperation with the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland), 182-191.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2014. “Babushka in Flux: Grandmothers and Family-making between Russian Karelia and Finland.” In Families and Family Work in Finland and the Republic of Karelia. Ed. by Simo Mannila and Dmitry Titkov. Petrozavodsk: Verso (open access, in cooperation with the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland), 175-181.

Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana. 2014. ”Retsenziya (Book review): Pöllänen P. Hoivan rajat: venäläiset maahanmuuttajanaiset ja ylirajainen perhehoiva. Helsinki: Väestöliitto, Väestöntutkimuslaitoksen julkaisusarja D 57/2013. 2013.” Studia Humanitatis Borealis (2), 100-106.

Tiaynen, Tatiana. 2014). Book review: Charsley, Katharine (ed.) Transnational Marriage: New Perspectives from Europe and Beyond. New York: Routledge, 2012.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 29(1): 115-116.

Qadir, Ali. 2013. “Between Secularisms: Islam and the Institutionalisation of Modern Higher Education in mid-nineteenth century British India”. British Journal of Religious Education 35(2): 125-39.

Ahmed, Durre S. “The Perpetually Receding Horizon: A Feminist View of Quranic Interpretation” in Women Narrating Their Lives and Actions. R.J Kirin and S. Prienda (eds). Center for Women’s Studies. Zagreb 2013.

Ahmed, Durre S. “Decolonizing Muslim Subjectivities: A Psycho Cultural Perspective.” Journal for Islamic Studies. Thematic Issue: Theorising Experience, Subjectivity and Narrative Studies of Gender and Islam. Vol 33. 2013. pp 185-194.

Qadir, Ali and Pertti Alasuutari. 2013. “Taming Terror: Domestication of the War on Terror in the Pakistani Media”. Asian Journal of Communication. 23(6): 575-589.

Alasuutari, Pertti, Ali Qadir and Karin Creutz. 2013. “The Domestication of Foreign News: News Stories Related to the 2011 Egyptian Revolution in British, Finnish and Pakistani Newspapers”. Media Culture & Society 35(6): 692-712.

Tiaynen, Tatiana. 2013. Babushka in Flux: Grandmothers and Family-making between Russian Karelia and Finland. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Doctoral dissertation. 

Tiaynen, Tatiana. 2012. Iäkkäät inkeriläisnaiset rajalla: Neuvotteluja arjen kansalaisuudesta transnationaalissa tilassa (Ingrian elderly women negotiating their everyday citizenship in transnational space). In Monikulttuurisuuden sukupuoli: Kansalaisuus ja erot hyvinvointiyhteiskunnassa, edited by Suvi Keskinen, Jaana Vuori and Anu Hirsiaho, Tampere: Tampere University Press, 206-31.

Qadir, Ali. 2011. Tangential Modernity: Culture of Higher Education Reform in Pakistan. Tampere: University of Tampere. Doctoral dissertation. 

Ahmed, Durre S. 2011. "The Journey: Buraq, Jhuley Lal and Zulljinah." In Mazaar Bazaar: Design and Visual Culture in Pakistan, edited by Saima Zaidi, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2-9. 

Qadir, Ali, Durre S. Ahmed, and S. Nida Ali. 2010. “Ideas, Culture and Terror in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.

Qadir, Ali and Durre S. Ahmed. 2010. “Counter-Terrorism Public Policy and Strategies in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.

Qadir, Ali and Durre S. Ahmed. 2010. “Academic Research and Counter-Terrorism in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.

Qadir, Ali. 2009. “Hired Education: The Commission on National Education and Modernity in Pakistan”. International Journal of Humanities 6(10): 105-14.

Ahmed, Durre S. “Penetrations: A Psycho-Cultural View of Modernity, Fundamentalisms and Islam.” In Islam and Europe: Crises are Challenges. Marie Claire Foblets and Jean-Yves Carlier (eds.) Belgium Leuven University Press, 2010.

Qadir, Ali and Durre S. Ahmed. 2008. “Violence and Education”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.

Qadir, Ali, and Durre S. Ahmed. 2008. “Violence and Culture in Pakistan”. Lahore: Center for the Study of Gender & Culture.

Qadir, Ali. 2007. University on the Edge: Modernity in Higher Education in Pakistan. M.Phil. Thesis, National College of Arts, Lahore.

Tiaynen, Tatiana. 2007. “Gosudarstvenniy feminism” v Shvetsii vo vtoroi polovine XX veka (“State feminism” in Sweden in the second half of the 20th century) Voprosy istorii (Questions of History) 1: 125-134.

Tiaynen, Tatiana (2007)  “Osobennosti stanovleniya ‘gosudarstvennogo feminizma’  v Shvetsii (1950-2006)” (Formation of “state feminism” in Sweden (1950-2006)). Pp. 347-376 in Dialog so vremenem: Al'manah intellektual'noi istorii (Dialogue with time: Almanac of Intellectual History) (19), edited by Repina, L.P. Moskva.

Qadir, Ali. 2006. “Governance Reforms in Universities”. Islamabad: Centre for Higher Education Transformation.

Rahman, Aziz-ur, Ali Qadir, and Mudassar Tahirkheli. 2005. “Consumer policy in Pakistan”. Islamabad: The Network for Consumer Protection.

Ahmed, Durre S. The Zikris of Pakistan. InterCulture. Journal of the Intercultural Institute of Montreal. Spring 2007. Also appears in French edition of InterCulture.

Ahmed, Durre S. “Women, Religion and Civilizational Dialogue: The New Heretical Imperative”. In World Affairs, Special Issue on Dialogue of Civilizations. Vol. 7, No. 4, December 2003.

Ahmed, Durre S. 2001. Gendering the Spirit: Women, Religion & the Post-Colonial Response. London: Zed Books.

Qadir, Ali. 2002. “Pakistan”. Pp. 269–363 in Tariq Banuri, Adil Najam & Nancy Odeh (eds.) Civic Entrepreneurship: A Civil Society Perspective on Sustainable Development—South Asia (Vol. 4). Islamabad: Gandhara Academy Press.

Qadir, Ali. 2002. “Democratising Delphi: Knowledge-Based Development”. Paper in Annual Conference on Sustainable Development, Islamabad, October 2002.

Banuri, Tariq and Ali Qadir. 2002. “One-Way Street: Trade and Sustainable Development after Doha”. Islamabad: ePoor.

Khan, Shahrukh Rafi, Ali Qadir, Ahmad Salim, Aasim Sajjad Akhter, and Foqia Sadiq. 2001. “Land Reforms in Pakistan”. SDPI Working Paper Series. Islamabad: SDPI.

Qadir, Ali. 2001. “The State of Consumers in Pakistan”. Islamabad: The Network for Consumer Protection.

Qadir, Ali. 2000. “Policy advocacy, a framework for social change in Pakistan: an exploratory research study”. Islamabad: LEAD Pakistan.

Ahmed, Durre S. 1994. Masculinity, Rationality and Religion: A Feminist Perspective. Lahore: ASR Publications (2nd Edition in 2002).

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